United Utilities: Creating a high performance culture


Sarah Taylan

Marketing Director

< 1 minute read

24 Nov 2022

The Challenge

United Utilities appointed a new CEO and added new members to their executive team in order to consolidate and restructure the business. In addition they were streamlining and developing senior managerial roles to incorporate new behaviour competencies and measures to better engage employees.

United Utilities worked in partnership with Full Potential Group (FPG) to shift attitudes and behaviours away from a ‘push’ culture towards a ‘pull’ culture which was both stretching and empowering. The introduction of this new leadership style was critical to the success of other initiatives and processes being introduced across the business.

The Solution

In partnership with United Utilities, FPG designed and developed a three-day intensive leadership programme to drive high performance by delivering results through others and support the new behavioural processes being embedded across the business.

The first workshops were for 100 cross-functional leaders consolidated by a follow-up day six months later. Initial feedback proved very valuable and was rapidly incorporated into the company’s strategy and values.

The Results

United Utilities has seen a significant adjustment to vision, strategy and values following these leadership interventions. This has helped to focus and align the organisation in such a way as to engage its employees.

Senior Managers are already using more initiative, with a shift towards higher expectations and delivery – whilst there is an increase in the number of positive conversations taking place which stretch and challenge the status quo. Leaders throughout the business are also conducting much more open and honest conversations. Long-term underlying performance issues are being addressed and individuals have clear performance and development objectives including ‘what’ and ‘how’ to achieve these.

If you would like to find out about our intensive leadership programmes to drive high performance, please call us on +44 (0)1628 488990 or email us info@fullpotentialgroup.com

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