Grosvenor Group: build a culture of greater trust, diversity and inclusion across the organisation


Sarah Taylan

Marketing Director

< 1 minute read

1 Jan 1970

Grosvenor Group is one of the world’s largest privately owned property businesses. They develop manage and invest in property in more than 60 cities around the world.

The challenge was to build a culture of greater trust, diversity and inclusion across the organisation.

The Solution

A key element of the work was identified as working with the Executive Team as role models for cascading trust within the organisation. As a restructuring of the senior team was also taking place, it was agreed as opportune to run an Executive Team away day focussing on building trust.
The Trust Equation was explored in depth, plus Lencioni’s trust pyramid and 5 dysfunctions of a team. Insights Discovery personality profiling was used as a build on MBTI, to help team members increase their own trust, self-awareness, strengths, developments areas, value to the team.
People learned to recognise the personalities of their colleagues, understand their default ways of behaving and how to flex style, communicate, collaborate and build trust with people different from themselves.

The Results

New Executive team members very quickly got to know their colleagues in a deeper way, both personally and professionally, fast-tracking team coherence
A session on honest feedback addressed several elephants in the room and enabled the team to discuss 2 key challenging business issues and agree specific resolutions.
The Executive team now represent a more authentic, united front to the organisation and are actively role-modelling cascading trust within their own teams and cross functional project teams across the organisation.

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