Focusing on your fundamental priorities

Focusing on your fundamental priorities 2

These are crazy times for everyone. We are experiencing seismic change, like never before.  Navigating the chaos, confusion and unknown, can either get the better of us, or make us stronger. Focusing on your fundamental priorities is critical. Many of us right now are struggling with a 3-way focus:

  1. Business and life adapting to a “new normal” – how to keep momentum and the important business as usual priorities moving forward, despite social distancing
  2. Contingency planning – considering the what ifs, re-forecasting, desperately trying to predict the uncertain path ahead
  3. Re-imagining the future, re-modelling, revising our vision and longer- term strategy.

Some of us are busier than ever, but for others the “pause” button has been abruptly applied with shocking repercussions. Now more than ever we need to be fleet of foot, whilst also creating essential time to think

Keep focused on your fundamental priorities – simplify and let go of anything superfluous

We can no longer afford to justify over-complication. Most businesses – and lives are ripe for simplification. Now is the time for ruthless prioritisation, valuing what (and who) is precious and important, and cutting out the rest – do it, delegate it or dump it (or them!). This article focuses on three elements: Focusing on your fundamental priorities 2

Fundamental Priorities

A priority is a thing that is regarded MORE IMPORTANT than anything else. Anything that is fundamental forms a NECESSARY BASE or CORE. Your Priorities


1. What matters most to you right now?

2. What will matter most in 3, 6 and 12-months’ time?

  Take control of your priorities

Understanding and Focusing on Your Foundation

This involves being clear on 5 fundamental elements:

  1. Your AttitudeImpossible
  2. Your Motivators
  3. Your Purpose
  4. Your Well-being
  5. Your Behaviours

Focus on your foundation Set your compass Purpose Open your mind to fresh perspectives. Standing back, quietening and refreshing your mind and taking a helicopter view is critical now – for individuals and teams alike. By shifting perspectives, challenges and opportunities are seen in a new light. Get a brainstorming partner or coach to catalyse your thinking, provoke a few ‘squirms’ and generate lightbulb moments to create the transformations you need to thrive. What is your bold ambition Set your compass your why and what Impact and urgency

Your Biggest Challenges to Prioritisation

Impact Vs Busyness Avoid 3 big pitfalls

What Are You Agreeing to Do?

Impact and effort Agree action How to Pomodoro Goethe quote For more information, please watch the accompanying 30 minute webinar hosted by our Founder and CEO, Carole Gaskell.


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