Carphone Warehouse: Business leader coaching masterclass

The Challenge

Leading retailer and FTSE 250 organisation The Carphone Warehouse (CPW) is a historically entrepreneurial business, characterised by its energy, agility and market leadership. One of the organisation’s greatest challenges was to formalise and develop the processes, talent and skills of its senior managers to a level commensurate with its established ‘big business’ status.

As a key step on this journey FPG was asked to provide new business leaders with a range of core coaching skills to enable them to inspire others to much higher levels of performance.

The Solution

An initial one-day ‘Coaching for High Performance’ master-class targeted the range of required business leader capabilities, with particular emphasis on a) leadership b) enabling teams, and c) driving results. Focusing around 2 key themes: ‘what does a new business leader do?’ and ‘how does a new business leader deliver?’ FPG provided a series of ‘cut through’ techniques and core leadership coaching skills to enable individuals to inspire others to higher levels of performance.
As with all of FPG’s interventions, the emphasis throughout the day was on ‘real play’ sessions that involved individuals applying the new tools immediately and being coached by colleagues, using key themes from their personal development plans.

The Results

Participants not only learned how to apply powerful coaching skills in one-to-one conversations but also how to use the tools and techniques in short, focused interactions on both an individual and team level – the ‘five minute impact’.
By the end of the master class, Leaders said they had much higher expectations of their teams and felt they were well equipped with practical, useable tools, to support and challenge their people to raise their game. The one-to-one executive coaching reinforced their confidence and ability to deliver. Several individuals were promoted less than six months later.

“I thought this day was fantastic, in that it really opened up a way of communicating with people that did not have to be totally applied to direct reports. Indeed, it will help with general communication with my colleagues in Europe.”

If you are interested in our coaching for high performance masterclasses, please call us on +44 (0)1628 488990 or email us

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