Boosting your well-being and resilience

NEW CMI research reveals a 50% slump in well-being during these challenging times, with an alarming 59% drop for people with parental responsibilities. Never before has our well-being and resilience been more important.

Wheel for wellbeing and resilience Operating at your best more of the time - resilience

In this content packed video you’ll learn:

  • Why resilience is a more important focus in this dynamic new world
  • How you can operate at your best more of the time
  • The ‘Resilience Engine’ model and how to bounce beyond (not back) to breakthrough
  • That resilience is not a muscle we’re born with, but something we can proactively build
  • How to establish a resilience mindset
  • 6 key skills to build resilience quickly
  • 3 fundamental energy barriers that stop people being as resilient as they could be
  • 4 drivers to grow your energy bank
  • How to measure yourself on the wheel of resilience
  • Why building a surplus in your energy battery is the key to sustainability


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