Kate Woodward

Client Success Director

With 25+ years of expertise, Kate excels as an executive coach and team facilitator, specialises in global leadership programs, developing coaching skills for managers & leaders, workplace motivation & wellbeing, yoga and menopause at work.

Kate Woodward

 An early pioneer of Insights Discovery, she is always at the cutting edge of new research, tools and models to unlock significant potential in individuals, teams, and organisations. She is also a certified practitioner of 360 feedback, Mojo, Motivational Maps, Liberating Leadership & Clarity 4D amongst others.

Background & Experience

Kate started her career in marketing and recruitment, where she gained extensive commercial experience working for British Airways, and then marketing recruitment specialists; Ball & Hoolahan. She has spent the last 20 years developing her skills and experience as a facilitator and coach, 8 years of which were spent living overseas which added an additional cultural dimension to her experience. She has worked across a wide range of sectors; retail, financial services, education, advertising, logistics, the art world to name a few. She is equally at home in a one-to-one coaching capacity as she is facilitating large-scale management and leadership development programmes.

One of Kate’s gifts is her ability to develop relationships, she quickly and easily gains the trust of individuals and groups, fostering an environment in which people feel comfortable opening up and being vulnerable. She gently, stubbornly and with a healthy dose of pragmatism and humour unlocks the truth; drilling down beyond the superficial and limiting perceptions that encumber progress and achievement to get to the deep truth where, once identified, real, long lasting change for the individual, team and business can start to occur.

When she’s not facilitating or coaching Kate can be found teaching yoga, cooking, indulging in Netflix or walking her dog.

Kate Woodward is uniquely gifted, highly evolved and makes the coaching process fun, yet works at a deep and fast level. Her intuitive abilities and her trust & confidence in using them in the sessions adds a dimension that is invaluable.”

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